Wednesday March 26, 2025
वि.सं २०८१ चैत १३ बुधबार
Wednesday March 26, 2025
वि.सं २०८१ चैत १३ बुधबार

Send us your Resume

Personal Details *
Permanent Address *
Present Address *

Education (Starting form highest degree) *
Name and Address of Institution * University * Degree Received * Major or Area of Specialization * Year of Passing(A.D.) * Percentage/CGPA
Experience: Starting with your present position (recent three)
Name of Organization * Branch/Dept./Reg. Office * Designation/Job Grade * Functional Area * From Date * To Date * Salary per Month * Document (.pdf,.gif,.jpeg,.png : Max Size 2MB) *
Name Name of Institute Duration Year Of Completion(A.D.) Document (.pdf,.gif,.jpeg,.png : Max Size 2MB)
Professional Reference *

Note: List two persons, not related to you (Family members/Relatives), who are familier with your character and qualifications.

Full Name * Full Address * Email * Phone No. * Name of Organization
Detail if any immediate family or first cousin is currently working in Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank Ltd

I certify that the information I have provided hereinabove is true, complete and correct. I understand that any misrepresentation this document may lead to cancellation of my candidate at any stage and even to termination of my appointment/dismissal discovered that the data furnished by me is false. I further declare that if selected for appointed in the bank, I am willing to go outside Kathmandu valley as per the requirement of the bank, bank reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without any information whatsoever.

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