Exchange Rates
Currency | Unit | Buying (Notes of below Deno 50) | Buying (Notes of Deno 50 and above) | Selling/Rs. |
Us Dollar | 1 | 135.30 | 135.90 | 136.40 |
Euro | 1 | 139.66 | 139.66 | 141.04 |
Pound Sterling | 1 | 168.71 | 168.71 | 170.36 |
Australian Dollar | 1 | 84.52 | 84.52 | 85.35 |
Swiss Frank | 1 | 150.84 | 150.84 | 152.32 |
Canadian Dollar | 1 | 93.97 | 93.97 | 94.89 |
Singapore Dollar | 1 | 99.31 | 99.31 | 100.29 |
Japanese Yen | 10 | 8.51 | 8.51 | 8.60 |
Chinese Yuan | 1 | 18.50 | 18.50 | 18.68 |
Qatari Riyal | 1 | 36.74 | 36.74 | 37.10 |
Saudi Rial | 1 | 35.63 | 35.63 | 35.98 |
Thai Bhat | 1 | 3.85 | 3.85 | 3.88 |
Malaysian Ringgit | 1 | 29.58 | 29.58 | 29.87 |
UAE Dirham | 1 | 36.90 | 36.90 | 37.26 |
Hongkong Dollar | 1 | 17.30 | 17.30 | 17.47 |
Danish Kroner | 1 | 18.69 | 18.69 | 18.87 |
Swedish Kroner | 1 | 12.10 | 12.10 | 12.22 |
S. Korean Won | 100 | 9.32 | 9.32 | 9.40 |
Indian Rupees | 100 | 160.00 | 160.00 | 160.15 |
Bahrain Dinar | 1 | 357.63 | 357.63 | 361.13 |
Kuwaiti Dinar | 1 | 438.28 | 438.28 | 442.58 |
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